Wednesday, March 31, 2010

09:55 - Indomie and a black coffee.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

10:11 - multigrain toast with luncheon meat, and a black coffee (I was so greedyhungry I had another slice of bread and two more of luncheon meat). Made a coffee with milk first, but couldn't handle the taste of the milk (which wasn't expired - I double-checked) so I poured that away and made a black. Now what am I gonna do about my calcium intake? Maybe more tofu and bok choy?

Monday, March 29, 2010

09:40 - a black coffee, two onion bhajis leftover from yesterday, and a Heller's sausage. The hot sauce was a perfect dip for the bhajis, and this was an awesome breakfast.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

10:22 - a black coffee, three sugar crackers, and a Farley's rusk.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

12:02 - shared a box of dumplings with C (also made a coffee, which I couldn't finish); we got these fresh from Cube Bakery.

Friday, March 26, 2010

09:46 - a sausage roll and a black coffee (per C's suggestion).

Thursday, March 25, 2010

09:32 - a coffee and 'Best Breakfast' cereal mixed with sultana bran. Only managed to finish half my coffee though, due to having The Runs.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

09:01 - breakfast of coffee, a banana, and four sugar crackers. Felt completely off when I woke (reluctantly) this morning, and didn't have much of an appetite (there wasn't much food for breakfast anyway).

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

09:41 - coffee and "Butter Coconut" crackers. I found it in the shelf - a leftover flavor from a bag of assorted cookies we got from Yan's. C made her way through the other flavors, complaining about most of them, but I thought this one's pretty decent dipped in coffee (but I suspect nearly all crackers and cookies would taste half-way decent after being dipped in coffee).

Monday, March 22, 2010

09:22 - 'Best Breakfast' cereal and coffee. Worked from home today, which means I could also do laundry at the same time.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

10:46 - breakfast of two pieces of multigrain toast with marmalade, a sesame ball, and chicken cracklings (so wrong; so good), and a coffee.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

10:31 - 'Best Breakfast' cereal mixed with sultana bran, and a coffee.

Friday, March 19, 2010

09:08 - C packed some of the leftover fried rice but left the nuggets, so I had the remaining leftovers for breakfast. And a coffee - which is a must.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

08:57 - breafast of scrambled eggs (with various herbs, black pepper, and Cajun seasoning) with diced Saveloy on multigrain toast, and coffee. Didn't go to school to work today, although I did walk up there after breakfast to see my supervisor.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

08:45-ish - I completely forgot to take a snap of breakfast until I finished it. But yesterday's breakfast photo would do - it was the exact same thing.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

08:35 - so what else can I be having for breakfast when I've a big pot of noodles sitting (and taking up precious space) in that tiny refrigerator? (Also with my trusty little tumbler of coffee.)

Monday, March 15, 2010

09:19 - breakfast of two soft-boiled eggs (I ate only one and a half though) and wheatmeal toast with margarine, and lemon-scented tea with honey. I wanted to make soldiers for my eggs, but decided it wasn't really worth the effort. I'm still trying different ways to making the soft-boiled eggs I'm used to; what I did this morning was to submerge an egg in freshly boiled water for three minutes, but it was still too raw, so I zapped it in the microwave set for defrost for less than a minute. It sorta worked.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

11:11 - coffee and a banana.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I've caught a cold or something. My throat feels completely raw and painful; I feel twinges everywhere on my body; my head feels heavy, my eyes swollen; and my nose is running. I actually slept in the afternoon - something I'd never do on an ordinary day - which says something; and I woke up past 10:00 this morning and didn't do laundry - which says even more. Argh. I wanna get well soon. =(((

Friday, March 12, 2010

08:44 - walked up to school this morning, so I stopped by Le Moulin for a chicken and potato pastry for breakfast. Delish! (With my little tumbler of coffee.)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

08:38 - boiled egg and roast chicken on wheatmeal, and my little tumbler of coffee.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

08:34 - multigrain toast with shredded chicken. Didn't go to school today because I was due at the police station to be finger-printed at 10:15.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

09:18 - multigrain roast chicken sandwich, with my little green tumbler of coffee.

Monday, March 08, 2010

08:54 - a sandwich of shredded roast chicken and a sliced hard-boiled egg, and my little green tumbler of coffee.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

09:44 - 'Best Breakfast' cereal (my current favorite, consisting of corn and bran flakes, all-bran, rice puffs, dried apricot, red papaya, and pineapple) and milk.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Currently addicted to this blog, and very tempted to document my own meals. It'll be a good idea to see the amount of junk I injest (yikes) - maybe I'll finally be shocked into taking better care of my body (which is now so fat that rolls of fats are preventing me from getting deeper stretches - I know: that's disgusting and TMI).

Other stuff: I found the letter from INZ in my letterbox this morning. C said she'll go with me to the police to get fingerprinted on Tue after her class, but I'll need to hand in my signed contract (for 20 hours' work?!) to the administrator for the Psych department with a copy of my student permit next Mon. I started doing some of the work on Friday itself, looking for articles on Semiotica, and sorting through the existing articles on EndNote. (EndNote is an OCD wet-dream, by the way.) I actually can't wait to continue next Monday! Will try to go through all the journals on my list with the shortlist of names, rather than reading abstracts of articles with titles that look like they may be what I should be including in my cache of articles.

Also hauled some books home from the school library on Friday, borrowed under C's staff card since my student one doesn't work no more ... =(

Thursday, March 04, 2010

You know, I bet it's only when I'm here that I feel like I'm missing out on so much back home.

But, honest-to-goddess, whatever I feel like I'm missing out on (by not being back home, and thus being able to attend/be involved in those events), I prolly would've skipped if I were back home anyway.
Feels like Purgatory where I am now, just a whole load of waiting, waiting, and waiting.

The Singapore High Comm. was efficient, and I received what I asked for the day after I called. Immigration NZ, on the other hand ... well, I made a call yesterday, and thankfully it was a friendly chap named James who answered. He put in my request for me and told me it would take a couple of days to process, but since the letter is to be sent from the AKL office, I would receive it next week - "but give us a call if you still haven't received it next week".

It's so tedious. I hate forms. I hate not understanding what I'm reading.

I feel so tired these days, doing nothing. Not quite sure if it beats being wired on adrenaline though ...

Monday, March 01, 2010

This is my last day as a student (being officially enrolled, that is). It's a wee bit scary, and I don't know what to do with myself.

In the short term, though, there are dishes I want to try make, and I've gotta tidy up the flat. Keep busy, I suppose.

I hate job hunting though. There're prolly few things on earth that would make you feel as worthless. And desperate.

And things I love doing that aren't job options (for me): pole, dance, and papercutting.