Friday, March 26, 2010

09:46 - a sausage roll and a black coffee (per C's suggestion).

13:14 - another sausage roll.

15:01 - lemon-scented tea and a chocolate fudge brownie-thingy from Cube Bakery on my way back from Yan's. This tasted like the rum balls my dad loves so much, except its a triangular wedge covered with a thin layer of chocolate fudge instead of bite-size balls covered with chocolate rice. However, it proved to be a little too sweet (didn't think anything would ever be too sweet for me, right?) and cloying, so a Heller's sausage with some chilli sauce to 'neutralize' the intense sweetness.

18:05 - some slices of nashi pear as I cooked dinner. (C cut up the last one and then forced me to share the it.)

18:55 - a one-dish meal of spirals, minced beef with a few fresh mushrooms, and baby bok choy. I actually quite like this, although I'll aim to make it a little dryer and spicier the next time ... maybe cut back on the kicap manis too.

23:07 - a navel orange.

Feel much better today (no runs!) and managed to do some stretching out. I don't think I want to get into contortion, but I would like to be able to touch my toes to my ears again. Also tried pressing to handstand but only succeeded once - this, apparently, is something I can get only when I'm in top form; I can't do this or even a proper press to headstand when I'm not completely rearing to go. Sigh. More conditioning needed for balanace and core strength.

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