Sunday, March 21, 2010

10:46 - breakfast of two pieces of multigrain toast with marmalade, a sesame ball, and chicken cracklings (so wrong; so good), and a coffee.

12:44 - leftover stuffed chicken wing from yesterday; another sesame ball (the pack I bought had six; I'm trying to finish them up before the grease in the balls gets rancid). Shared a nashi pear with C to clear the grease from my palate. I wasn't actually hungry, but I was going to dance later in the afternoon, so I ate up.

18:21 - made pasta with bratwursts and portabello mushrooms. It was cooked the same way as the pasta I made the other week, except I added an onion like I said I would (half of which was sliced and fried with the sausages with a pinch of paprika and black pepper; the rest diced and threw in when the mushrooms were being cooked). The mushrooms were completely yum - very, very, very juicy. I didn't reduce the stock enough today and ended up with a sorta stew rather than a thick sauce. Oh well, at least C liked it (or so she said). Fresh baby spinach was added to individual servings of pasta and stirred into the soupy sauce to wilt.

19:32 - a post-prandial coffee - something I'd been craving since after my dance.

22:07 - a naval navel orange. I think I'm addicted to these. So sweet!

I need to plan this week's meals as I intend to go for pole prac from Mon to Thu from 17:30 to either 19:30 or 20:30; I'm looking at recipes for meals that could be precooked, and maybe also one-dish meals. Since I'd almost never planned ahead in life, this little exercise is proving to be quite a challenge.

Well, actually I've found some dishes to make or try out, but I worry those might be a little too weird for C. Although she claims she'll eat anything I put out, there are stuff she doesn't like (like broccoli!) and combinations that may be odd for her, and I don't want her to eat anything she doesn't like (vegetables excluded).

Sigh. We'll see how I manage. I'm also thinking about taking adult gymnastics to work on flexibility, balance, and - most importantly - core strength.

And I would like to be able to do a perfect cartwheel before I die ...

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