Friday, March 12, 2010

08:44 - walked up to school this morning, so I stopped by Le Moulin for a chicken and potato pastry for breakfast. Delish! (With my little tumbler of coffee.)

12:58 - PBJ on wheatmeal. (I used red plum jam.)

16:37 - three chicken strips ("Southern style") from New World Metro's deli which I ate outside New World because I was utterly famished, and there was sudden strong winds and heavy rain.

17:03 - some 'Best Breakfast' cereal (I got a new stash on Wednesday!) because I was still famished as I started preparations for dinner. Thank Goddess the rain and wind abated some by then, but I got a little wet and now my throat feels scratchy. =(

19:06 - definitely a good night for pasta. I wanted to make stuffed mushrooms like these, but I marinated the mince with what I had in my spice rack: And I wanted to try to make this pasta, but I didn't have fresh tomatoes, so I used tinned chopped ones in juice. First, I browned the sausages, then removed them and dropped crushed garlic cloves to the leftover fats for a bit. Before the garlic turned too brown, I put the stuffed mushrooms in, meat-side down. Added a small piece of butter and minced garlic before I turned the mushrooms cap-side down, then the tomatoes, more herbs, and finally some beef stock. But I added too much stock so I had to reduce the sauce a bit. For veges, I only had a handful of french beans which were zapped in the microwave with a little minced garlic, butter, salt, and cracked black pepper. It looks disgusting, but C liked it, as did I. I'd use angel hair pasta the next time though. And maybe add a diced onion. 20:27 - a post-prandial coffee. 21:35 - a nashi pear for C, and an orange for me.
I think I need to pop a Danzen tonight; I'm feeling a little under the weather. Sigh.

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