Saturday, March 13, 2010

I've caught a cold or something. My throat feels completely raw and painful; I feel twinges everywhere on my body; my head feels heavy, my eyes swollen; and my nose is running. I actually slept in the afternoon - something I'd never do on an ordinary day - which says something; and I woke up past 10:00 this morning and didn't do laundry - which says even more. Argh. I wanna get well soon. =(((

10:21 - Twinings lemon scented tea which I sweetened with honey instead of my usual brown sugar, and wheatmeal toast with margarine and red plum jam.

11:45 - 'Best Breakfast' cereal with a banana.

14:47 - leftover stuffed portbello mushroom. I zapped it in the microwave with a little beef stock. (Yes, it looks very disgusting.)

18:16 - chicken macaroni soup which C made.

20:19 - a naval navel orange.

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