Sunday, March 14, 2010

11:11 - coffee and a banana.

11:55 - Indomie mi goreng (something that I found in Hong Kong and Thailand, but strangely not Singapore) and some leftover curry stir-fried cabbage. The noodles are extremely delish but fattening, and I'm trying to limit myself to two packs a week or fewer and less frequently. Anyway, for reasons unknown, egg noodles don't sit well in my stomach; I'm better off with pasta.

15:04 - shared the last nashi pear with C.

16:46 - some 'Best Breakfast' cereal because I was getting hungry.

18:47 - dinner of white rice porridge, leftover curry stir-fried cabbage, a sunny-side-up, and slices of luncheon meat. I'm pretty sure I bought the Ma Ling brand, but these just looked and tasted different.

No fruits tonight. I ate my last orange yesterday (should've bought some on Friday!) and wasn't up to going all the way to New World for more.

My head's killing me. Off to bed.

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