Wednesday, March 17, 2010

08:45-ish - I completely forgot to take a snap of breakfast until I finished it. But yesterday's breakfast photo would do - it was the exact same thing.

12:47 - a banana; brought my own this time.

15:25 - a multigrain PBJ (red plum jam again) and a coffee when I got home. Didn't feel so good then - really tired physically, right down to limbs feeling heavy, and stomach on a spin-cycle - but I needed something hot to drink (it was cold today) and I felt like I needed food, hence the coffee and sarnie.

20:13 - C made me Shin Ramyun with some cabbage and mixed veges. Not quite healthy but I'm really quite sick of the leftover noodles (marginally healthier, I suppose, since it was cooked from scratch?) still sitting by the mountainful in the fridge.

21:45 - a naval navel orange.

It was so terrible today. I came home feeling nauseated and fatigued; C came home shortly after me looking as terrible as I felt. She napped, while I finished up The Wind-up Bird Chronicles. A strange coincidence, but right after I finished the book, I felt better, like surfacing from a deep sleep to mental clarity.

Then come 19:30 or so, I couldn't decide between sleeping and eating. I chose to feed. Sigh.

Hope I get to sleep better tonight. Pretty damn hard to get a good night's sleep when you're coughing your lungs out. C and I are a symphony of coughs.

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