Sunday, March 07, 2010

09:44 - 'Best Breakfast' cereal (my current favorite, consisting of corn and bran flakes, all-bran, rice puffs, dried apricot, red papaya, and pineapple) and milk.

11:27 - freshly squeezed orange juice (bought yesterday from Moore Wilsons). I love pulpy juice.

12:19 - some rice puffs from the cereal for a snack.

13:23 - multigrain toast with margarine and honey as I waited for my egg to cook.

13:28 - a soft-boiled egg with dark soy sauce and white pepper, and multigrain toast with margarine. This egg was the third I made; I threw the previous two away because I just couldn't get them right (it's a waste, I know, but I was too frustrated). How can I get the perfect runny soft-boiled eggs my dad used to make for breakfast (or the ones from Ya Kun for that matter)?

13:37 - a mug of coffee; an unusually late cuppa, but I was feeling quite alert without it. I only had it because I craved the taste of it.

16:32 - a nashi pear shared with C. I discovered New World was selling nashi pears yesterday! But I bought only one in case they weren't sweet. This one was so juicy and sweet even C liked it.

18:01 - dinner of brown rice, stir-fried baby bok choy with oyster sauce, garnished with fried shallots (from a bottle) and freshly fried garlic, and scrambled soft tofu with chicken mince with sambal oelek and black bean sauce. (The tofu looks disgusting, doesn't it? But I had to scramble it with the mince because I'm rubbish with stir-frying soft tofu. And, yes, the dishes were on newspaper; we ate on the floor in front of the telly.)

19:13 - a post-prandial sweet: a soft cherry nougat C bought from Melbs.

20:14 - C's leftover Super Ring. I buy her packets when I hit the Asian supermart because she loves them. (Okay, I quite like them too.)

20:42 - a navel orange. I try to eat one every night - they're extremely sweet!

Oh gawd.

I feed almost continuously! =( Must cut down.

1 comment:

C said...

those nashi pears were juicy! i love 'em. and the tofu and chicken mince was just as delicious =) black bean just the way i like them!