Monday, March 29, 2010

09:40 - a black coffee, two onion bhajis leftover from yesterday, and a Heller's sausage. The hot sauce was a perfect dip for the bhajis, and this was an awesome breakfast.

14:01 - multigrain toast with a sliced boiled egg and cold roast chicken.

Had a banana in the middle of my pole prac - an utterly dismal session, by the way - maybe around 19:30.

21:11 - white rice porridge, french beans with beef mince, and luncheon meat. It all tasted so good (even though everything was a little cold since I'd cooked the porridge and beans around 16:30) I had second helpings. The beans-and-mince dish goes really well with rice porridge!

No navel orange tonight again. My lips are a little red and swollen (sensitivity to something I ate - not sure what though) and an acidic orange is surely gonna be painful to consume.

1 comment:

me said...

so poor thing. i think you are heaty.