Tuesday, March 09, 2010

09:18 - multigrain roast chicken sandwich, with my little green tumbler of coffee.

14:19 - 'Best Breakfast' cereal for lunch. Yummmm.

15:50 - black coffee

18:12 - orange juice and a peanut-butter cracker. I was boiling the pasta already, but the black coffee made me hungry and my hands shaky, so I had to eat something.

18:14 - a banana I've been carrying around yesterday and today. The cracker wasn't enough.

18:45 - dinner of yesterday's leftovers: mince beef and french beans, cabbage and carrot with eggs, and garlic rice made from leftover brown rice. Supplemented by spaghetti with mixed veges and loads of garlic (condiments: olive oil, coarse-ground black pepper, paprika, cayenne pepper, and Cajun seasoning). The spaghetti turned out a little dry (I ran out of butter, and margarine just wouldn't do), but I liked the simpleness of it; C found it too spicy though.

21:41 - shared a nashi pear with C. (Made sure she ate her share.)

Guys in school were giving out free books today, so I took one, seeing that it was Darwin's The Origin of Species. BUT.

BUT. Someone defiled Darwin's book. "Special introduction" by Ray Comfort my big fat ass.

I'm disowning this free book. It's going into the recycle bin. Your "special introduction" made me feel dirty BECAUSE YOU ARE A SNEAKY CREEP whose "special introduction" and the "special note"s which bookend Darwin's book constitute a molestation of the intellect and my person - AND your 'edition' of Darwin's work IS A BLOODY ASSAULT to the man and all humankind (a species you must not belong).

Therefore - and I know you will defend to death my right to say this - kindly go fuck yourself in hell.

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