Friday, April 02, 2010

As Robert Burns wrote:
The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!

So many unforeseen events and activities yesterday, and I didn't get to cook. Again. I'm so excited about making my pasta but my anticipation of making it keeps getting thwarted.

And I didn't get the chance to post these too.

09:47 - multigrain toast with marmalade, a Heller's sausage with hot sauce, and a black coffee. (Woke up late, which threw my schedule off course.)

12:45 - a banana while I waited for my eggs to boil. Was famished after I returned from New World Wakefield.

13:08 - a very sad sarnie of the wee remaining bits of cold roast chicken. (Eggs were still boiling, and I was too hungry to wait any longer.) I ate an egg after this sandwich.

13:26 - 12 almonds to boost my calcium intake. I got roasted and unsalted ones. Should I be taking raw ones?

18:30 to around 19:30 - had a mixed juice and some finger-food at a farewell-drinks gathering.

20:20 - chicken fried rice takeaway from R & S Satay Noodle House. Wasn't really in the mood for this because I. WANTED. MY. PASTA. (But C convinced me that a takeaway was a better choice as it entailed less washing-up to be done, so I got the fried rice. Bad choice - I mean, the food's great, but there was so few pieces of meat, and I'm a big meat-lover.)

21:47 - shared a nashi pear with C.

By midnight, I was famished. This is precisely why I need protein (especially the meat-kind, since they keep me full longer) and not carbs. I went to bed grumpy (from low blood-sugar) and hungry. That sucked.

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