Saturday, April 17, 2010

09:39 - coffee with milk, two slices of multigrain toast with margarine and kaya.

12:27 - sandwich of multigrain toast, sliced boiled egg, and ham.

17:15 - chicken nuggets and chips from Cozy Cake Shop. I was hungry after the workshop even if I didn't manage to accomplish much there.

19:20 - I really wasn't hungry at all, but C made dinner, so I had some of mixed rice (brown and white), stir-fried baby bok choy with garlic, and honey-soy chicken. (There was also fried spam, but I didn't have any.)

21:48 - a navel orange. Seemed too long since my last one.

So the workshop was okay today. I really like Amy I.-R. R.-I. and she's got a strong core and upper-body. She's also very tiny, and sweet, and very soft-spoken (and I thought I was soft-spoken).

So I think we learned three tricks (actually more, but I could already do the yogini, as well as the, erm ... thing that Jenyne Butterfly does which I first saw on 0:24/6:19 of this vid - I couldn't pull my left leg into an over-extended split though) - the ballerina which Amy I.-R. said originated or was popularized by Felix (I didn't know that!), the trick Felix does from 2:51 to 2:53 of this vid (although I saw it done by Jenyne Butterfly before - just can't remember which vid), and somoething that I've never seen done before until today.

It's that final trick that I'll practice the hell out of, bloody but unbowed, until I get it. First, an inverted straddle (or 'chopper', as I'd learned it), then, keeping the ol' butt as high up as possible, move the right leg to join the left, into a pike. Eventually, if and when I get strong enough, I will release my right hand and slide it into an open bracket grip, and - voila! - the jack-knife!

I'm still trying to figure the trick out - my weak core meant that I was unable to keep my butt up in the air when I transit my right leg to my left side. I only managed it once, and even then, I wasn't piking enough. Amy told me I to drop a little more to my left, but the only thing that dropped was my butt to the ground - and consequently, the rest of me.

Woot - practice! I love the thrill and agony and frustration that come with learning new tricks!

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