Stream: Shiba Inu Puppy Cam Apropos of nothing, the boss commented, as I turned to leave his office, "You're getting fat - why do you eat so much?"
I turned back to face him, exasperated: "What has that got to do with
anything?" (So much like him to throw curveballs like that.)
He smiled, twinkled, and waved me away. Much later, he came out and insisted he was joking when he called me fat, said something about what business he had calling me fat when he is ... well.
But this is one thing I love about my boss (and hope to emulate). Narrating an anecdote once, he'd said, "... my being fat doesn't make you any thinner ..."
okay for the pot to call the kettle black - someone remind me again why it
isn't okay in the first place, please.
My inner fat girl (once a fat girl, always a fat girl, no matter how much weight you lose on the outside) idolizes him.