And then this straw thing just didn't turn out as I thought it would ... sigh.
I'd envisioned a bowl. This isn't even remotely bowl-like. And it's kinda flimsy. Worse: it looks like a fucking tortoise. I'mma try to salvage this, maybe turn it into a hanging thing as Emily suggested.
Guilty reads:
- Christopher Moore—A Dirty Job (I really, really, wholehearted-fuckingly dig this book. I don't think I laughed so much whilst reading, especially at Mrs Ling's stereotypically Chinese idiosyncrasies. I lmfao-ed at the "duck in pants" dish!)
- Christopher Moore—Secondhand Souls
- Jonathan Kellerman—Compulsion
- Jonathan Kellerman—Guilt
- Jonathan Kellerman—Killer
- Carl Hiaasen—Star Island
- Peter Mayle—The Vintage Caper
I also re-read Tom Holt's Who's Afraid of Beowulf. This and Expecting Someone Taller are prolly my two favorite titles by Holt although I think I enjoyed them more when I was doing Old Norse and Old English classes (I'm also re-reading Grailblazers but it's only okay). Still trying to finish reading Meadowland ... sigh.
Working on designing a new "family tree"-type paper cutting for Rach but I'm all out of inspiration ... -_-