Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Yesterday was the Diwali public holiday. The only Hindi movie screening on the free-to-view channel was fucking Chennai Express. Why the shitty show I don't have a clue, but I guess a movie like That Girl in Yellow Boots or Ugly isn't exactly something that will liven the holiday mood.

Tried out a himmeli orb (well, I made two, actually) while streaming Gone Girl:

I'd not read Gone Girl but the movie I couldn't finish nor did I want to. Visually, the movie looked great, but the characters and story—big fucking ugh. I found the movie to have zero incentive for me to continue or finish watching: I dislike both major characters and don't give a fuck as to whether revenge was had or they reconciled and had a happily ever after.

Anyway, books I finished in the last week or so:

  • Bad Monkey
  • Mystery
  • Victims
  • Sandman Slim:
    [note to self] Not sure whether to pursue this series or not. This book came as a if-you-like-[book A]-you'll-like-[book C] recommendation, [book A] being the Cabal brothers series. While I adore Johannes (and Holt) Cabal, James Stark isn't a character I feel much for either way. Sure, the book's throwaway one-liners gave me a number of amused snorts along the way, but I had to push myself to continue reading, almost right until the take-down at Club Avila when it got kinda exciting.

The himmeli orb has 20 facets (if I counted correctly), which makes it a regular icosahedron—I think. With no internal spokes, the structure is less stable than I like. Maybe I'll try stellated polyhedra next ... or something in a larger scale.

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