Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's a little disconcerting to see Bette Porter Jennifer Beals on Lie to me*. In a suit. In a power suit. (Yes!) Married to Cal Lightman. (Noooooooooooo!)

I kept thinking: Mama-B, what are you doing here? Are you back with Mama-T?

(I haven't got my hands on the last season of TLW - all I know is: PsychoBitch - aka Jenny Schecter- is dead!1!!)

It gets crazier: Dr. Gillian Foster (Kelli Williams) looks so much like Tina Kennard (Laurel Holloman)!

(Image from here.)

(Image from here.)

The first time C saw Dr. Foster on Lie to me*, she made a comment to the effect of: "Isn't that the blond girl in The L Word?" Granted, she's only seen the pilot of TLW, but I who have watched five seasons was also taken aback by the resemblance.

I was only pretty sure it wasn't Mama-T when I told myself to look for the mole! and couldn't detect any.

Still, it didn't stop me from imagining Bette Zoe Landau and Dr. Gillian Foster hook up and have a lovely biracial baby. Fan-fic, anybody?

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