Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm finally gonna do something about it.

It's called "in a hundred words or fewer", and by god that's what it shall revert to.

Even if it means uncompleted sentences and unfinished posts, or it takes me ten posts to rant in entirety.

The word limit was there in the first place to keep me succinct and to the point, and I've been blabbing unnecessarily (which I could do elsewhere).

So there.

(Mental note: look for Projekt Presents: A Dark Cabaret and Mad Love.)


His Bitchness said...

all i see these days are pics of what u eat. How did it get to that?

s said...

well, i suppose it's because i'm a glutton ... (but see also this.)

and also: i have too many blogs and too few things of interest in my life?