Saturday, April 03, 2010

10:59 - a black coffee, the last sausage roll, and a Mrs. Higgins chocolate fudge brownie.

15:08 - pork cracklings and decadence! (Well, I was excited until the third piece - they're mainly salted and very, very, very dry.)

15:38 - black coffee and matcha-and-almond cookies. The cookies were delicious - and you can really taste the matcha too! And some sour cream and chives crisps.

19:39 - tom yum soup with prawns and monkfish, with stir-fried baby bak choy with garlic, and sambal fish fried rice (basically just fish from the soup mashed and mixed into white and brown rice with sambal paste and nam pla).

01:08/00:08 (daylight saving) - a navel orange.

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