Tuesday, August 11, 2009

No updates for a whole week means one of two things: 1) My life is in the shitter and someone's pulled the flush; or, 2) I'm living it up to much too have time to blog. Sadly, in this case, it's the former.


I'm struggling. I can't focus, I'm not disciplined. I can't study no more. I aced that translation test but it's only 5% of total course grade. Today, I flunk my ME test, which is 20% of course grade. FUCK.

And now, I've over 300 lines of translation to do; 200 or so of which is due by Friday. AND I gotta finish reading Grettis Saga and Njals Saga.

However, I loved the weekend. C took leave for Fri and Mon so she was home the whole time, and I watched some movies with her. I can't wait for when I'm free to play with the new toy.

I'm thinking ... maybe chili con carne. Or maybe a tagine.

Hm ...


His Bitchness said...

you're so getting domesticated with that new toy of yours.

s said...

i haven't used it yet - still can't decide what to make. but i'm beginning to feel less intimidated by cooking!