Friday, July 31, 2009

I'll be the first to admit to being a paranoid hypochondriac, but, really, I am feeling the pain, man.

My lower back pain might be due to - oh, I don't know - walking up to school via Vivian St. (of merciless and relentless steep slopes and stairs) 3 times a week; could be due to pole. Whatever. It all boils down to having a woefully weak core and a past slipped disc.

My right knee I'm not so sure about. It was the knee on which I'd taken a crash, but it also might be Vivian St.'s killer inclines and stairs. C think it's something to do with old age and sitting for too long at my desk. Yesh ...

My right shoulder I'm pretty sure about: I slept on it for a wee bit this morning. That should be the reason the ache and stiffness. This never happened before!


I'm positively geriatric ... =(

(So I started taking glucosamine again.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>=((( glucosamine! no wonder!