Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I don't feel like it but I suppose I should - blog, I mean.

Have finished 100 lines of Cursor Mundi (f.32, col.83 onwards), and just finished a scrumptious pear danish from Le Moulin (bought yesterday, but it's good even when it's not fresh).

Am constantly getting depressed about pole. I realized yesterday I should've focused on aerial classes by the WCT, because at least I'd've the benefit of instructors in my training, versus (unsupervised, uninstructed) pole prac by my lonesome. I've stopped checking in with my pole-mates in Sg (we've our own group on Facebook) because the photos and vids from their classes and jam sessions are making me cry.

Will make Thai-ish red curry tonight. Then start translating Grettir's Saga so I can spend more time studying for my ON translation test next Mon.


I should go watch Kaiser to cheer up ... again.

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