Monday, July 28, 2014

Homework =(

I always take fucking FOREVER to complete my homework from the Principles of Design class. So now I don't have any time to do the stuff that I actually like doing and want to do ... =(

This is the homework for a/symmetry. My instructor didn't actually approve two of them (one of the asymmetrical ones and the symmetrical out-of-the-box variation) but I prefer what I'd done that horrible ones I did that she did approve. I feel like the moon should be colored in ... but can't visualize whether that would make the whole design more "heavy" (wtf?).

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Freedom to Read

A simple one. I really should start working on my Principles of Design assignment since I've already decided to once again skip stretch & core and aerial prac this afternoon (during which I'd planned to hold up to five seconds on my toe hang and practise my spinning straddle — but, oh well ...).


Saturday, July 12, 2014

And Tango Makes Three

ARGH. This whole fiasco makes me SO. MAD.

I work in a library. I believe libraries should provide access to and be a repository of knowledge and information; libraries must be inclusive. What I don't believe libraries should do is "reflect existing social norms, and not to challenge or seek to change them". Hell. No.

The NLB's stance (and, I believe, the government's) to not challenge or change — to maintain status quo — should be drivel espoused by unthinking folks, not by a public institution of knowledge. Shame on you. I hope your decision and your justification for your decision are met with universal condemnation and ridicule.


Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Read of the Month: July

A very fast read this time round (because it was a crime/thriller book): Where Evil Lies.

Promising start, very unsatisfying denouement — almost anticlimatic. Female characters seem to be there only to give blowjobs, fuck male characters, and provide emotional comfort. The author seems obsessed with blowjobs (including a "mouth rape").

Oh well, at least it was a quick read (and didn't piss me off as much as Ian McEwan's Sweet Tooth). When I dropped off the book this morning, I thought I should've stuck a Post-it in there to let the person who has reserved the book (yes, there was one — goodness knows why) know it's not worth their time.

On with the next book!

Crimson & Clover

One of my favoritest songs ever. I love both the original by Tommy James & The Shondells and Joan Jett & The Blackhearts' cover (which reminds me of the opening of one of The L Word episodes even though iirc the music used was the original and not the cover). I also have a cover by Tommy Roe and used to play all three versions over and over on loop.

Joan Jett ... So. Hawt.

'Crimson and clover' is also why I fell in love with Jarvis Cocker's 'Black Magic' on the very first listen.

There's just something addictive about this particular riff/chord pattern ... In the words of Duke Orsino in Twelfth Night:

If music be the food of love, play on;
Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken, and so die. (I.i.1-3)

Monday, July 07, 2014

Hello Cruel World

Yay! I didn't nod off or waste too much time watching the telly this afternoon so I got something so show for my time! E's (Mark Oliver Everett) lyrics again. I initially thought of doing only "Hello cruel world" but decided to continue the stanza a little further. Not a good choice (also, it led to the food stain — the perils of writing on the kitchen table). Much prefer just the first three words.

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Some Practice

Bought a ZIG Calligraphy II pen and I'm liking the 2mm tip. I skipped Stretch/Core and Aerial Gym to practise my handwriting ... wonder if it's even worth it. Sigh ...

Anyway, eels' lyrics today: 'A Daisy Through Concrete' and 'Somebody Loves You'. The other one — "Write now, right now" — just occurred to me.

If I'm not too lazy tomorrow, I'll want to be able to write something for a cutting.

Monday, June 30, 2014

At Last ...

Finally finished the book, so ...

Read of the month: The Little Old Lady who Broke All the Rules. (I do and cannot recommend this book.)

Yay to getting some learning on Illustrator!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

B for Beastly

God, my Bs are hideous. Yuck.

And one practice A from last night:

But I'll take heart from Jess's words; I'll practise. Hopefully I'll get better.

Handwriting Practice

Goodness, it's almost the end of the month and I've still not finished The Little Old Lady who Broke All the Rules. It's just way too easy to stop reading the damn book — I just don't find it that engaging.

Anyway. No cutting, just doing an 'A'. I feel like I need a larger piece of paper (I guess I could write smaller too). I confused myself doing those swashes (which is why it's so scrunched up and lopsided.

Classes start next Monday. I'm a little excited, more nervous and anxious.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

"Happily Ever After"

I think it might've been Emily who'd suggested offhandedly "happily ever after". And why not?

A very rough draft of what I had in mind (then went over it shakily with a pen). I still need to work on my swashes which I'm terrible at. Basically, handwriting is not my thing, but yet I find it sorta fun — quite ironically because of: swashes.

I'll prolly keep the heart shape. The H I was pleased with initially but now feel it looks out of proportion and unbalanced. There could be more I could do with the ps too. I mean, double p — a ligature maybe? And my descenders are always so shitty too. Sigh.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Papercut #2

On sick leave yesterday (food poisoning) and requested for urgent leave today because I simply don't feel like I'd be able to cope with eight and a half hours at work. Still zero appetite; subsisting on water and sweetened soy milk.

So, with today off, I pretended I made things for a living ... and realized I couldn't do it — I took too long to make something that looks too terrible.

First draft on graph paper in pencil then traced over with a pen.

Thought process: "Why not make a cutting?" So pencil on A4 drawing block, then traced over with a marker. Brain asked, "Why not add flourishes to surround the word?"

"YIKES. Word drowned in flourishes ..." =(

Do over in pencil:

Changed my mind about a small flourish ...

Traced with pen then marker. (Why? Heaven only knows ...) Commence cutting:


Conclusion: looks wonky and therefore ugly. (Plus spacing between letters is CRAP!!) But what's done is done. Dare I mount this as a gift for Hazel on Friday?

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Round & Round ... Papercut #1

Should I embark on this — 30 Papercuts?

Today's lunch topic was travel. Everywhere my parents, my aunt and her husband, and my cousin and her husband, has gone. Everybody's traveling but me. Then again, it's my fault. I'm too scared to travel alone.

The feature article in the lifestyle papers today was on local crafts-people. There was a young girl who fucking owns her own letterpress! How fucking awesomely cool is that?! I wish so hard I could be one of them — making beautiful things for a living.

Anyway. As I was cutting this pattern this morning, I suddenly thought to hand-write something for Hazel (the first stanza from 'The Clod and the Pebble'), something script-y with ball terminals (like the pattern I was cutting), A4-sized. (Not by this Friday, of course.) Hm. We'll see how that goes ...

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Day #30

And so, not with a bang but a pathetic fizz.

I did this with the express purpose of cutting. This morning, I sat down and wondered what I was gonna do for today's pattern(s) and suddenly thought I'd like very much to cut. And so this thing, which hopefully I'll get to cut tomorrow.

While walking Doggie I gave a poor woman who approached us for direction the WRONG directions. NOT THE FIRST TIME EITHER. Fuck, I suck at this. I've absolutely NO FUCKING SENSE OF DIRECTION whatsoever. I should resolve to NEVER give directions ever again. =(