Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Day #9

Thought I best have this down before class in case I get too tired and forget the daily entry.

Book read for the month of April: Shades of Gray by Jasper Fforde.

Also, it occurred to me this morning that I'd like to do another silhouette cutting with a quote or something. A professionally shot picture would be good. Might have to trawl Facebook albums of the aerials girls for suitable poses.

Day #8

Bloody hell. I can't believe I'd forgotten a post again. Felt I did poorly in class last night — seemed unable to control what little core muscles I have and strained my left side trying to do a proper advanced birdy — and was completely knackered after it.

So, the Hari and Deepti papercut dioramas are sort of like a collage in a shadow box, right? I'd been thinking of maybe a collage without the shadow box with layers of different textures, but I haven't a clue as to how that project might be like.

The aerial girls are such an inspiration — so talented the lot of them: musically, artistically, culinarily (yes, this is a proper word), and everything else — I can only hope a wee bit of their combined and individual gifts and flair rub off on me.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Day #7

Bored at work today, so back to thinking/planning/researching résumé design. Which means I've still yet to apply to any job ad.

Thing is, friends and even colleagues have been forwarding job ads to me, like: "You should apply for this!"; or: "I think you'll like this!" There are a couple or so that caught my eyes (to which my education and skills/experience even qualify or fit), but the fact that those jobs are at organizations I don't particularly care for or think of joining is holding me back.

Maybe I should just apply. I mean, chances are I won't even be shortlisted for an interview so why not, right?


Sunday, April 06, 2014

Day #6

So finally got around to mounting the cutting of a Marimekko print (forgot to mirror it when printing so the finished cutting ended up mirrored).

I had such high hopes for this one, but the execution (including the sorta floating mount) didn't turn out as I expected. For one thing, I went with the best possible choice of background paper from what I currently have on hand — which isn't a lot; for another, because I'd chosen my usual textured black, the shadows I'd hoped for can't really be seen. =( Ah well. It was supposed to be a gift for Emily, but I guess it's up to her whether or not she'll want it ...

Now, thisthis is fucking gorgeous.

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Day #5

Hurray for sleeping in in the weekend! I've been having rather vivid and 'active' dreams lately. 'Active' in that I'm always in motion, doing things, in my dreams. I can only remember vaguely that the dreams are action-filled, but not really what they really were.

Broke in my new sketchbook! I read that the first (blank) page is the most intimidating and should be just scribbled and doodled the hell out of, just to get it out of the way. So, I've gone and done just that while watching Monk season 1.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Day #4

Today, I pulled Charley Harper: An Illustrated Life off the shelves, along with Petite Pattern Book: Scandinavian Style. Such pretty visuals! Wish there were books on David Stoupakis, Tara McPherson, Audrey Kawasaki, Amy Sol, or James Jean I could find at this library; however, I could find Mark Ryden, Camille Rose Garcia, and Marion Peck — which I believe I'd ordered ... Must slip more such books into my book recommendations soon. Fuck. Can't wait for the weekend ...!

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Day #3

Whenever I check my Facebook feed (which unfortunately is more frequently than I ought to), I wonder if I might not be missing out on something by not religiously documenting my everyday life in photos. After all, my memory is both a sponge and sieve; pretty sure I'm retaining daydreams and imaginings as memories while 'true' memories fade more with every passing second. But it's just so hard to remember to pull out my phone to snap pics while wonderful and amazing things are happening ...

Day #2

Fuck. Only the second day and I already failed — I totally forgot to do a quickie post after my nightly plank and stretch ritual.

So, yesterday: again inspired by Lisa Congdon's illustrations, I thought I should buy a sketchbook (don't know where my old ones are — if they haven't already disintegrated) and learn/start to sketch shit. Like, I've been thinking for my next papercutting project I want to do one of my own scribbles (prolly 'Hope') with something (flourish? shapes?) to hold the letters together.

Get motivated, Self!

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Day #1

Saw this article from the fb feed and decided the advice from Lisa Congdon is rather doable. So here I am, back on the saddle — so to speak — attempting to get back into forming sentences that AREN'T mind-numbing, stupefying drivel about "the Library" is all rainbow-vomiting-unicorns Awesome™ and deserves a mention in the annual report, or how an e-resource is so pants-wettingly blow-your-mind Awesome™ and will save your crummy assignment. For the next 30 days at least, sentences will be formed, with or without coherence, intelligence, or sense.

Friday, June 04, 2010

A wee bit of hiatus by default due to a crashing netbook and a drowned cellphone - both self-healed, so all is good ... for now.

The break had me thinking about what to do with this blog. A hundred words is too limiting, and I won't be able to post photos of my meals (it's still a good way to track my diet though) if both netbook and cellphone died again.

So: where next? I discovered I'm registered at wordpress (and might give it a go if I were allowed to post videos), but might just stick with blogger.

We'll see!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tue 25 May 2010

10:49 - multigrain toast with strawberry jam, and black coffee.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sun 23 May 2010

13:28 - toast with Nutella and strawberry jam, tuna-raisin melt, and black coffee.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Maybe it's as simple as B12.

Maybe that's what I need, instead of TIP-TOEING THE FUCK AROUND.
Came across this three-year old article (and this related piece) this morning, and couldn't recall a sad song I'd heard in recent years.

The only two songs of which lyrics made me sad when I first heard them as a kid raised on oldies, who didn't know who Michael Jackson was 'til 1993, were 'Tell Laura I Love Her' and 'Honey'.

Ray Peterson - Tell Laura I Love Her .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Bobby Goldsboro - Honey .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Everything else after that just made me happily depressed to the point of suicide. What is a "sad song" anyway?

Songs sung blue, with a "cry in your voice"?