Monday, July 27, 2009

All right. Have managed to catch Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and BrĂ¼no this month (and in this order) ... and none of them left me quite satisfied. Perhaps I'd overanticipated them.

Have given up on this year's International Film Festival even though I'd shortlisted films to catch and hope to watch Antichrist - if only because it was as controversial as 9 Songs and Anatomie de l'Enfer (both of which I'd caught and enjoyed - in fact, I bought Anatomie when the DVD was released).

This blog is hilarious. (Spelling errors notwithstanding.)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This is so yummy. A marvelous concoction of seasoned lumpy mashed potato and marinated chicken cubes in side a thin flaky pastry crust.

The photos I took don't, unfortunately, do the precious parcel of deliciousness any justice.

(From Le Moulin.)
Except for research on that "5 minute presentation" on Henry Sweet I have to give at a LING seminar tomorrow afternoon, and getting a start on my research essay, I think I'm handling both my English papers okay this week.


Okay, I'm two for four, which means I suck.

Am supposed to research on Henry Sweet now, but I'm not. I'd rather be translating my Old Norse stuff - I've got fewer than twenty lines before I finish.

I don't know what I'm reading on Sweet. Linguistics doesn't make sense to me anymore.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Woke up feeling dizzy but still stuck to walking up to school via Vivian St. Still a wee bit dizzy (yes, have been taking folic acid pills almost daily), and not too sure why.

Christine returned our essays today. Phew, I passed. If not for C's reminder, I'd've completely forgotten that I'd received an award - one that is fully revocable if I don't do well in my papers.

Still have a huge Joan Jett crush.

And that earworm.

Shane (not Kate Moennig, but SHANE) is just one fraction of Joan Jett's hotness.

Oh, be still my heart!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday. Sigh.

Waiting to collect laundry from the dryer and reading this. Seriously, I hope she gets her butt whipped. And then some.

I'm way behind on my schoolwork, as it is.

And I feel just so tired. Yucks.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

So glad I find it (somewhat) relaxing to blast my current ear-worm(s) while doing my translations for Old Icelandic and Middle English.

Haven't started on research essay yet though ... =(

Am getting REALLY PISSED OFF at the weather - but only when it's windy and rainy when I have to be out.

Like NOW.


Monday, July 13, 2009

So, handed in my essay this morning.

I'd resolved last week to try to spend my time more productively this trimester, seeing that I have 2 papers and a (10,000 word) research paper to complete. I gotta stop wasting time on the bloody internet.

Anyway, I'm almost fully recovered from the shock of discovering people of my cohort in secondary school getting married and popping babies. Almost. It's been stressful - almost more stressful than writing an essay for a topic I can hardly care less about, and almost as stressful as C's feeling about her cousin's wedding.

This being on the threshold of the terrible thirties is a wee bit sucky. 'Twould be nice if I could drink myself to a stupor so I'll not notice my friends' and my crossing it ...

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Word-count at 1,000 last night, but I still have another 1,500 to go. Gotta hustle.

My favorite girl texted last night (NZT) to announce she was "in delivery, waiting to be induced for pain". I have every hope of seeing pictures of a healthy perfect wee one soon!

Anyway, thought I'd just check in with the blog today after a week-long hiatus. Because Twitter (which I'd been using last week, what with trying to keep from spending too much time on time-wasting surfing) doesn't seem to suffice this morning, and also because I'd just seen a funny opening sentence in an article in NZ Herald:

A shirtless fugitive who kept police at bay with tree branches and the occasional haka for nearly three hours ...

"... the occasional haka ..."


Monday, June 29, 2009

Had somehow (unconsciously) resolved upon waking up from a long - if fragmented - sleep (22:00 last night to around 07:30 this morning) to work on essay this entire week ... and maybe - dare I hope? - even finish it by this Fri.

However, was distracted by Kathy Reichs and the need for continual feeding. Still, will grimly preservere on.

C emailed a hilarious link to Genesis 2.0; lmao'd at " ... so god became angry, so angry that god lost his temper and cursed the first humans, telling them to go forth and multiply themselves - but not in those words. But the humans took god literally and now there are 6 billion of them ..." XD

Friday, June 26, 2009

The first thing I did when C texted me about MJ's death was to log on to the net. Made sense, since we don't have either a telly or radio. But after checking with BBC - which wouldn't confirm - I hit Twitter (which was wonky, being overloaded with #MichaelJackson, #Cardiac Arrest trending), which still won't confirm, and so had to go to the source of the news TMZ. When BBC confirmed the death, I hit Metafilter - on which the obit post has already garnered 273 comments.

And here I am blogging.

Technology. Hm.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Finally found the Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead double-feature pack at Civic Video on Tues after pole prac. New studio space is pretty awesome (think loft-style penthouse) but would be better if the mirrors are all up.

Have started feeling the urgency of the essay due on 13 Jul. But I've forgotten how to write and essay. 2,500 words seem both too long and too short to handle for the (tentative) topic of "runes and women in the Poetic Edda". Maybe I should rethink my topic.

Sigh. Feeling lethargic - had dreamed incessantly in last night's sleep. In fact, I think at one point I had a dream which bleed into another dream; so, a dream within a dream. Fucks my head, is what that does.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Nothing much this weekend, other than finding Days of Being Wild at JB Hi-Fi for under NZD 20. Got me thinking about collecting all of Wong Kar Wai's full-length films - but possibly not My Blueberry Nights - since I already have Chungking Express (my favorite), Happy Together (found in KL, of all places), In the Mood for Love, and 2046. (I'm a hoarder; it's genetic.)

The film I really want to get my hands on, however, is Fallen Angels; it's 100-proof depression topped off with simple tentative hopefulness, and I love it. It's also the coolest film I've ever seen, and quite possibly the only thing that'll ever seduce me into smoking.

Rach and I managed to catch each other on Skype today - so cool!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Read about the nutritional value of the kiwi fruit some time back, I'd since resolved to eat a one every day. For the most part, I've managed to do so.

I know I'm a bit of a hypochodriac, but the way I've been feeling these couple of weeks, I can't help but think something must be wrong.

Also, I woke up with a fucking headache this morning and had taken the last one of my children's asprins (which I prefer to the ones for adults - I don't like taking aspirins so I try to stick to as low a dosage as possible; also, the children's ones are cherry-flavored and taste better).

When the headache's alleviated and C awaken, I wanna go rummage at the Warehouse for the Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz 2-in-1 DVD.

Friday, June 19, 2009

I <3 palmiers.

And I bought 3.
