Saturday, June 20, 2009

Read about the nutritional value of the kiwi fruit some time back, I'd since resolved to eat a one every day. For the most part, I've managed to do so.

I know I'm a bit of a hypochodriac, but the way I've been feeling these couple of weeks, I can't help but think something must be wrong.

Also, I woke up with a fucking headache this morning and had taken the last one of my children's asprins (which I prefer to the ones for adults - I don't like taking aspirins so I try to stick to as low a dosage as possible; also, the children's ones are cherry-flavored and taste better).

When the headache's alleviated and C awaken, I wanna go rummage at the Warehouse for the Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz 2-in-1 DVD.

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