Thursday, July 17, 2008

Salsa class was super long today, but made it on time for pole prac; now, I'm achey everywhere.

And tired.

I feel like playing hooky tomorrow ... But I can't.

Man, it sucks being an adult.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The sound of you sleeping

Have I ever mentioned how much I like listening to you sleep?


It makes me smile - even as I fall asleep.


Monday, July 14, 2008

The sound of you sleeping

I removed Anna.

My body was rejecting the piercing - as it usually does, sooner or later.

Now, I don't think I have the same capacity as before to get a new piercing. The piercings had assauged a different wound, a different pain than what I'd feel now, if I hurt.

The sound of you sleeping

Am thinking of Anna out.

Maybe it's about time ...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm so tired but I refused to sleep because ... I'm watching House.

Reiteration: Telly is EVIL.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Finally - the weekend, Saturday.

Bone tired ... I hope I get to sleep 'til early afternoon.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Belle & Sebastian - 'You Made Me Forget My Dreams'

Album: Push Barman To Open Old Wounds

I have remembered me.

Yes, I'd first started hankering after the Eee PC last year when it came out; then I'd held out for the 12gb when I'd read about it rather than get the 8gb model (which was unavailable at the IT Show earlier this year).

Then. Then I read about the MSI Wind and, wouldn't ya know it - it has better specs than even the Eee PC901! So I changed my mind and decided I wanted the MSI Wind.

Until now, today, when I stepped in to my work place to find the building atrium set up for the Eee PC 901/1000H launch this weekend.

Curse you, pre-launch hype!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Oh man ... I'm so tempted to plonk down money for the Eee Box B202. Or the Eee PC 901/1000H.

Or both.

Let's consider the Eee Box deal (XP OS, 1gb RAM, 80gb HDD): SGD 439 (including tax) and they'll throw in a wired keyboard and mouse; SGD 699 for the Eee Box B202 and 19" LCD monitor bundle.

The lack of an optical drive is a little irritating, but with 4 USB ports, I can always dig up my old external CD-burner to plug in.

Played with a 901 just now - the keyboard and mousepad are irritating, but it could just be my fat calloused fingers.



Tuesday, July 08, 2008

eels - 'Not Ready Yet'

Album: Oh What A Beautiful Morning


Tired, and sore and achey: Not a good combination.

Still - there's pole prac tomorrow ...

Monday, July 07, 2008

Shibani Kashyap - 'Tum Bas Tum'

Album: Waisa Bhi Hota Hai Part II OST

I spend 5 days a week in the office, and all I have to look forward to is Saturday where I can sleep in, and - most importantly - have my pole class and pole prac. But the boss is taking that away from me next month, when I'll already be missing a class and practice session due to some stupid public holiday that falls unfortunately on a Saturday (and for which we're not compensated with a holiday on the following Monday)!

Oh, cruel and unusual punishment is this!


Sunday, July 06, 2008

The sound of you sleeping

What is wrong with everybody? Is it something in the water or in the air? Everybody, from my colleagues (including my financial controller) to my cleaning auntie to the co-teacher of my pole class, has been asking if I had a boyfriend; and when I tell them 'no', all of them offered to introduce me to someone.

What, is it now a crime to be single in your late twenties? Even if I were single, it does not mean I'd be opened to being match-made.

If my boss offered that, I'm gonna go try out my luck at the lottery.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Shivaree - 'Flycatcher'

Album: Rough Dreams

Man, I'm exhausted, and a headache is waiting to take over my head. I need to repay my sleep debt, but it doesn't seem like I'd be able to this weekend.

The boss will be in town for most of next week (sigh) and I won't be able to slack off as much.

Can I please be allowed to pay back my sleep debt over a week, instead of over the weekend?

Discovered a couple days ago that boss is ... Jedi. What his philosophy is, and what he'd preached to me before was basically Yoda's "Try not. Do or do not, there is no try."

So tired am dizzy again.

I miss you, baby ...


Thursday, July 03, 2008

The sound of you sleeping

Time-lines floated in to my head awhile ago - vague ones which I got from counting backwards.

It's time to start, again.