Thursday, July 10, 2008

Oh man ... I'm so tempted to plonk down money for the Eee Box B202. Or the Eee PC 901/1000H.

Or both.

Let's consider the Eee Box deal (XP OS, 1gb RAM, 80gb HDD): SGD 439 (including tax) and they'll throw in a wired keyboard and mouse; SGD 699 for the Eee Box B202 and 19" LCD monitor bundle.

The lack of an optical drive is a little irritating, but with 4 USB ports, I can always dig up my old external CD-burner to plug in.

Played with a 901 just now - the keyboard and mousepad are irritating, but it could just be my fat calloused fingers.




Anonymous said...

=) i have surgeon's hands. i can play with your new eee pc if you get one?

Anonymous said...

yesh - IF i got one =)