Thursday, March 06, 2008

Orange And Lemons - 'Let Me'

Album: Moonlane Gardens

Completed season four of The L Word in the office today, and have started on season five.

Is it me, or is the series going from bad to worse? Can they possibly fuck any more?And what's with the Jenny character - she's gone past obnoxious bitch into unchartered territories!

Can't wait for season three of Heroes!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Luz Casal - 'Un Año de Amor'

Album: The L Word Enhanced Soundtrack

This evening with Aileen, Alwyn, Carrie, Diana, and Jen was lovely. Over dessert, Jen mentioned those born in the year of the rooster will experience 桃花 - which may or may not always be a good thing.

I say bring it on, sister.

(Famous last words?)

Monday, March 03, 2008

Bishop Allen - 'Things Are What You Make Of Them'

Album: Charm School

You know, it's only 3rd March, but I think I've been to the doc's more times in this year alone than I had the last two years combined.

Point: When I stepped into the doc's this evening, the receptionist (a new one) recognized me and called me by my first name.

Badtimingytis strikes again - in the form of a relapsed prolapsed disc this time, my fourth since 2003. Fingers crossed the next '-lapsed' wouldn't be collapsed.


Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Shins - 'Caring is Creepy'

Album: Oh, Inverted World

"I've always wished I had an older brother," I said.

"You want to be taken care of." Not a question; a statement.

I thought about it. "Yeah ... I just want someone who'd take care of me, be on my side, make sure I don't get bullied and all that, you know?"

And I have to wonder if that would be so wrong, to want that.

Jamie Lidell ft. Jose Gonzales - 'Multiply (In A Minor Key)'

Album: Multiply Additions

I feel like there's so much in my head it's gonna explode - but ... no. It's just one thing. One. Fucking Thing. I don't know why or how I'd let it grown so huge it's become a full-blown obsession I can't get it out of my fucking head.

And the cherry on top of this is - I shouldn't be obsessing over it at all. I've something else I need to focus on.

Was sitting on the couch just now and had a great big sneeze that completely threw my lower back. FUCK.

Rach defined a relationship as something you invest time and money in: Food for thought for me there.

I made Praveen walk to the Gallery Hotel with me and we found a nice hangout spot there; eM, I think it's called (or something). Lovely night out.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

I wish I had a super power (yes, I've been power-watching Heroes seasons one and two).

Friday, February 29, 2008

Oh no ...

I need a hug - no, I need hugs tonight.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

I think ... at the end of the day, at the end of it all - the root of it is: I'm frustrated.

I think I'm frustrated because time is not moving fast enough, while simultaneously moving too fast, and I'm wasting it when I could be doing some with it, with myself, with my life.

There's gotta be more to life than what I'm making of it now, and I would make all the necessary changes too to get the most out of what I could have - if only I knew what sort of changes ...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tracy Chapman - 'Give Me One Reason'

Album: New Beginning

Something I figured out in the shower: Even with people you trust and confide in, you have to make sure they hold the same things sacred as you do; otherwise, they will inevitably blurt out something you told them in complete confidence - or so you thought.

It's nobody's fault, I suppose - things just happen.

That being said, I'm back to square one: Ultimately, if you don't want it known, then you shouldn't be telling it to the living.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Doing nothing is so tiring.

Jesus, I gotta snap out of it soon. It's really not "those girls" I think I couldn't, wouldn't trust; it's actually just me, myself.

Peaches - 'I U She'

Album: Fatherfucker

Shit. I feel like a real asshole whenever this happens.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nine Inch Nails - 'Closer'

Album: Downward Spiral

Wow, it's been a long time since I drank and dirty danced ... and got horny. And to think all I really wanted for this evening was dinner and coffee and dessert at some place quiet.

I blame it on the moon.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Orange And Lemons - 'Let Me'

Album: Moonlane Gardens

Realized today I don't feel like going out on Saturday with Rach only because I don't want to meet new guys (her friends); girls I wouldn't have minded though.

Fuck. If I kept this up, I'd soon be moving among females-only circles - and intellectually, I don't want that to happen.

I feel like such a sap sometimes.