Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Luz Casal - 'Un Año de Amor'

Album: The L Word Enhanced Soundtrack

This evening with Aileen, Alwyn, Carrie, Diana, and Jen was lovely. Over dessert, Jen mentioned those born in the year of the rooster will experience 桃花 - which may or may not always be a good thing.

I say bring it on, sister.

(Famous last words?)


limegreenspyda said...

what's 桃花? sakura?

His Bitchness said...

i want my LOVE. he said b4 july. lets see how true things will be.

Anonymous said...

spyda: well, i think what Jen meant was have love and romance - although 桃花 means peach blossom (or sakura) too.

germ: fingers crossed for you, sweets.