Of course I did what I always do — shut down, went offline, and did a bit of therapeutic cutting.
It's the simple roll box which I got from Paul Jackson's Folding Techniques for Designers: From Sheet to Form to which I added random patterns I cut into the long-side panels. It looks okay, but I think the patterns should be planned next time so the two sides that each has two layers would look nicer.
I think for Hazel's gift I might do a shadow box/frame with different folds on which patterns are cut. White on white on white maybe.
As I was folding and unfolding, cutting, and refolding, I watched (casually, meaning with an ear open but without really watching the screen) Bobby Jasoos. I do like this movie but it's mainly because of Vidya; Ali Faizal did fuck-all and didn't look very compatible to Vidya. The story was interesting enough but the denouement was a bit of a letdown.
I also finished Bol Bachchan — oh lord why had I even started on this in the first place?! It's Rohit Shetty, ffs. Argh, why don't I ever learn???
It's ridiculous to feel so bloody fragile and sensitive that every little thing seems to matter and bruise the soul so much.
So tired, so tired, so tired, so tired ...