Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Left work at 14.00 to drop something off with a friend who's leaving for an overseas trip then went home in time to avoid being caught in the torrential and awfully scary thunder-storm.

Anyway, came home, ate, and finished watching Ankur Arora Murder Case — which was very sadly disappointing. And where do I start?

For one thing, the songs really detracts from the narrative tension. Also, the little detour with the public prosecutor and defense lawyer was totally unnecessary. I think it could've been a taut courtroom drama/thriller by itself; instead, the trial (as well as the twist/denouement which both could've been a little more fleshed out) was given short shrift in favor of an extramarital affair that led to an unwanted pregnancy which resulted in an abortion/miscarriage/accidental suicide.

I guess the disappointment arose from my expectation that this movie would be as good as Rahasya (which incidentally also featured Kay Kay Menon and Tisca Chopra in major roles).

Anyway, what's next — should I continue with the gritty-type movies or take a break with some fluffy romance? Or maybe something middle-of-the-road, like Filmistaan or Sankat City or Antardwand ...?

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