Monday, February 16, 2015

Tashi Is A Dick

Nowadays I usually watch Delhi Belly starting from the scene in which Nitin delicately adorns with a flower the corpse he's photographing. To be honest, I just watch the bits Nitin is in — I just adore Nitin more and more!

On the other hand, the more I rewatch the movie, the more I think Tashi is a dick to Nitin. Like when Nitin says he has work to do (i.e. photography for blackmail), Tashi just drops the package in Nitin's scooter basket and stuff the scrap on which the address is written into Nitin's pocket.

Also, I just realized during yesterday's rewatch that Nitin actually doesn't smoke at all in the movie (though I could be wrong). In the last bit of the movie wherein the three dudes are hanging out at the flat's balcony, the cigarette between Nitin's fingers never goes anywhere near his lips; all he does is just take swigs from one of the two bottles in his hands.

GOOD. I hope at least he is a non-smoker and not an silent secondhand asshole murderer.

I was reading through the cast list yesterday and found out that the actor playing Mr Maharaj is called Neville. Neville LOL! And Tashi and Nitin share a birthday (Well, the actors playing them do)!

Oh lord, I really hope there's a sequel to Delhi Belly ... I'm beginning to know the dialogues by heart!

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