Sunday, May 31, 2009

आज मौसम बड़ा बेईमान है! Since I woke up at about 08:30, it's been 30 minutes of dark clouds and gales, 5-10 minutes of hail (and rain), then 15-30 minutes of blue skies and sunshine. Rinse, repeat.


Watched Finn's Girl yesterday, and it was actually really as good as promised on the Out Takes brochure - smart and funny too.

Overheard a woman tell her husband (who were both prolly at the screening of Finn's Girl): "I know it's a film festival - I just didn't know it is a lesbian one!"

(Oops, surprise! Guess Out Takes isn't about outtakes after all!)

Later, I'll have to brave the possibility of being hailed on (sigh) to get to Paramount for Bi The Way.

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