Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dennis Brown - 'Things in Life'

Album: Anthology 1970 to 1995

The aftermath's just the same as having just (barely) recovered from a bad bout of stomach flu. I was consciously handling myself with kid gloves today, trying to spot a potential trigger before it could trigger me.

Was mostly fine today (boss wasn't in office), even with a marked lack of appetite; but as I was sent out to walk the dog, I almost had a mild relapse - it was like knowing you're about to vomit, but desperately hanging on to the fine balance needed to not hurl your insides out. Now I finally understand why Auntie Al'd needed someone to talk to 24/7 at her worst period. It could be terrifying otherwise.

Didn't want music as I walked, but when I did turn the mp3 player on, I found this song to be somewhat calming.

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