Monday, June 23, 2008

Leona Lewis - 'Bleeding Love'

Album: Spirit

Okay, so I figured I'm sorta 'itching' to pull the m.o.c. stunt only because it's that big red button that's labelled 'DON'T PUSH' - and wouldn't ya know it, I just gotta ...

But, more seriously, I've been googling today and toying with the idea of setting up an FD in NZD: NZD 20,000 for 3 months in a local bank (prolly DBS unless there're better rates out there); then maybe I roll half of it over for another 3 months while moving the other half to National Bank of NZ for 6 months - pretty good rates in NZ (even though IRD'll take a large chunk of it =/)?

Wish I had a brain for money ... =(

(Embarrassingly, I'm wicked mad about this song right now.)

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