Sunday, January 06, 2008

Esthero - 'Thank Heaven 4 You'

Album: Wikked Lil' Grrrls

Went to have our measurements taken, then off to have a pre-dinner snack. After that, shopping (I bought a book and two pairs of jeans), dinner (Thai Express), coffee and dessert (Ricciotti), and drinks.

First drink, as usual, at the Crazy Elephant (Long Island); second one (12 year-old Glenfiddich, stiff) at the Highlander Bar. The third drink was red wine, courtesy of the table beside us at the Highlander. It was a bunch of financial advisors from Manulife and it made for a great evening getting to know new people.

Rach managed to get really high and tipsy, and I'm now sleepy.

Which is a good thing.

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