Monday, November 05, 2007

X Japan - 'Longing'

Album: Ballad Collection

Yes, I do know life will not be the same one I had there previously.

I know I'm not going back to that life.

So stop telling me that.

I'm already trying very hard to hold it together, to be brave enough to give it a try anyway. It's very scary for me; I'm terrified. My armor isn't solid; it's full of holes and falling apart.

I don't need anybody to dent it further for me, okay?

So stop telling me that.

I know. I know.

I already know.

1 comment:

His Bitchness said...

it could be better, it could be worse.

it's not a bad thing that it's different. but it might not be that different and i don't think it could be as bad as the first time round.