Saturday, August 18, 2007

Nine Inch Nails - 'Closer'

Album: The Downward Spiral

So ...

I finally succumbed to peer pressure this evening, promised Hege, Jit, and Rachel I'd go register at Facebook. =| Can't believe I'd still be under peer pressure at my age, but go figure.

Pole dancing is Fucking. Awesome. I've got bruises on my legs like I were in an abusive relationship.

... Well, even if I were, I Fucking. Love. It. (I'm a masochist that way.) I love the pole - prolly the only phallic object I'd love from now on.

Can't wait for next Saturday.

(I want to dance to 'Closer' right now!)


limegreenspyda said...

'closer' was playing on my speakers as i read this.

didn't register its oddness at first because i had a thought bubble going listening to: 'closer'. yep. that's right.

then, the eyeballs did a double take at the end of the entry. slow, i know.

s said...


what a song this is too =)