After Yin yoga today, in the locker room, I overheard two girls complaining about how Yin yoga is too slow and that one of them even fell asleep. Girls! Those are features, not bugs!
I've been very briefly considering doing the Hair for Hope thing. It's been so warm and humid these few months that shaving my hair off sounds totally logical. The only thing holding me back is ... well, I'm not brave enough to be naked that way.
Borrowed Romeo + Juliet and Now You See Me for the weekend. Now You See Me was a sorta decent movie until the ending. As much as I love Mélanie Laurent, her character feels like an afterthought that serves only as eye candy. And the ending was lazy and completely clichéd. The Sixth Sense did it so much better.
Anyway. Finally made the frozen banana soft serve thingy (two frozen 'nanas + one tbsp honey-roasted peanut butter + one tbsp unsweetened cocoa). It was decent, I guess ...
The patterns I doodle are getting really crappy and boring.