Crazy ass day with teaching a two-hour workshop (quite enjoyed that one actually — the kids were lively enough without being obnoxiously rowdy), going through a fire drill (student: "Saving my work is more important than saving my life."), then giving a library tour to new (non-library) staff — back to back, in the span of four hours.
Having a hard time deciding the next book to read. I brought Gillian Flynn's Sharp Objects home with me and so far have only read the first couple of pages ... which failed to get my attention. Didn't want to start on Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman because I don't want to get into a certain mood that Murakami's tales always bring — not that it's unpleasant (I like it actually, but only when I'm in the mood for it), I just don't want to feel that way for now.
So. Sleepy. -_-zzz