Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day #19

It wasn't that I forgot an entry last night — I remembered but decided against a posting.

Note to self: First day of school is a FUCKING MADHOUSE. Tertiary students move so sluggishly and are always fucking distracted, either by their friends, their crushes, their phones, or somethinganything.

Finally made it to Yin last night cuz I figured I needed to unwind after a crazy day at work: best choice I made all day ...

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Day #18

Yesterday's doodles — still practising (copying) bird shapes and playing around with the idea of the geometric pattern with a word or words:

It's prolly not obvious, but the word in the box is amaze.

Today, testing out the alternative idea for Emily's cutting. Drew on a marbled A3 sheet and started cutting. I'm thinking of keeping keeping the fan/shell-like shapes uncut. Haven't figured out a quote yet — maybe something from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (just saw Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland on Friday and yesterday; cable repeats). I love love love the idea of an Alice-at-Wonderland-Night-Circus theme. LOVE.

Day #17

Ah ha! Didn't forget the entry before bed tonight!

So, I've been thinking of the new cutting for Emily (I already have one idea; this is an alternative): I'm thinking of doing a cutting of a geometric pattern like one of those I did yesterday (and today too, for that matter; pics to be posted tomorrow) with words. I'll draw directly on an A3 paper tomorrow to see whether it'll be cut-able for me or not ... if I've the time after cooking my week's lunches.

In other news, I've an embarrassing crush on Sue Perkins (embarrassing only because of my low self-esteem). Oh my, she's utterly scrumptious ...

Friday, April 18, 2014

Day #16

Got to spend a bit of time today doodling — which is excellent because Emily dropped by and lent me three lovely books last night. My favorite is Naive (going to grab a copy of my own). Also, I borrowed Typography Sketchbooks yesterday; should've brought it home (it was too heavy and unwieldy and I didn't go straight home after work).

Anyway — doodling. I practised on bird shapes from Naive and a lovely geometric pattern I saw on YouTube. Totally love how easy the geometric shapes ones are (I tried triangles, quadrilaterals, and five-/six-/eight-sided shapes) and how great they look! I'm redoing Emily's papercutting so I might just try a cutting of that pattern.

Yeah, my birds suck. Gonna practise more, try harder.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day #15

Not that the day's been fantastic, but it was still a pretty decent — albeit busy — one. On reflection, it was decent because:
  • my manager is on leave (therefore no emails/requests/tasks from her);
  • I got to do different things (did video recordings for an online class I'm suppose to tutor, sat in a meeting for a vanity book project — or, as I call it: the Circle Jerk, worked on a new webpage for another section), but unfortunately didn't have time to finish my web banner or start on the other design-related tasks sitting in my inbox or set up my book display;
  • it's the last day of work before a long weekend — FUCK YEAH!
(But I think it's mainly because my manager wasn't in the office.)

Boy, I hope I can sleep the hell out of this long weekend ...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day #14

Yeah, is come to the point where merely two weeks into this 30 Days of Words I'd already forgotten a daily post like three times (or more). My excuse? The usual one: completely knackered. And the thing is, I'd totally remember the post while I was, say, showering; yet, after stretching, it'd've completely slipped my mind.

Anyway. Yesterday, I got into one of my irrational anger thing at work which brought on the usual impulse to tender my resignation. But I reminded myself that it's only work so fuck it, whatever. It's totally not worth the spike in blood pressure.

Boy, it is time to move on.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Day #13

So ... it's finally happened today. For so long I'd thought I needed a new gauge but apparently not. Walking towards the library this morning, I suddenly thought about the 'bridge' between the library building and the design school collapsing — and how I would not have to go to work if I'd been walking on that 'bridge'.

Yup. It's the get-me-into-an-accident-so-I-don't-have-to-be-at-work gauge and it still works!

And especially this afternoon, when I was told to compare the stats from Google Analytics and Webtrends, I really really really wished for something to happen to take me away from having to do shit like that.

But how do I walk away with the different projects on my plate?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day #12

Bought a new (small) sketchbook yesterday after yoga (yes, I went after all — and it was great! The instructor was awesome) as well as two new pens (one purple and one green).

The small sketchbook I plan to carry around with me — not exactly for doodling, but for jotting down the words from Word Porn that somehow resonate with me.

Ugh. I completely suck at doodling and handwriting, but whatever.

So tired lately. I need to start trying harder at sticking to my resolution about sleeping before midnight. I have 18 days of annual leave I have to clear this year. So tempted to take a few to just sleep.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Day #11

It's been ... a struggle to remember do to these posts. I did remind myself to do one last night as I was showering but after stretching (and not a long session either) and feeling just completely knackered, I just popped off to bed. Sans post. I feel like I should head off to Yin yoga this afternoon. But I'm feeling a little sleepy ... and reluctant. Going through it will stop raining* on a Saturday is what makes it a proper lazy Saturday for me. Sigh. I should prolly get ready for Yin soon ... =(

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day #10

Shouldn't have had that cup of instant coffee a mere two hours after my breakfast green tea. Completely manic for four hours after that, fueled a little too (I think) by the inspiring artworks I saw on my feed.

Anyway. Wish I had done a bit of doodling today ... Sigh.

I've been trying to visualize the cutting. I think it'll prolly be Hazel on the silks in Rebecca splits. And a quote in the negative space below. I miss cutting ... =(

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Day #9

Thought I best have this down before class in case I get too tired and forget the daily entry.

Book read for the month of April: Shades of Gray by Jasper Fforde.

Also, it occurred to me this morning that I'd like to do another silhouette cutting with a quote or something. A professionally shot picture would be good. Might have to trawl Facebook albums of the aerials girls for suitable poses.

Day #8

Bloody hell. I can't believe I'd forgotten a post again. Felt I did poorly in class last night — seemed unable to control what little core muscles I have and strained my left side trying to do a proper advanced birdy — and was completely knackered after it.

So, the Hari and Deepti papercut dioramas are sort of like a collage in a shadow box, right? I'd been thinking of maybe a collage without the shadow box with layers of different textures, but I haven't a clue as to how that project might be like.

The aerial girls are such an inspiration — so talented the lot of them: musically, artistically, culinarily (yes, this is a proper word), and everything else — I can only hope a wee bit of their combined and individual gifts and flair rub off on me.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Day #7

Bored at work today, so back to thinking/planning/researching résumé design. Which means I've still yet to apply to any job ad.

Thing is, friends and even colleagues have been forwarding job ads to me, like: "You should apply for this!"; or: "I think you'll like this!" There are a couple or so that caught my eyes (to which my education and skills/experience even qualify or fit), but the fact that those jobs are at organizations I don't particularly care for or think of joining is holding me back.

Maybe I should just apply. I mean, chances are I won't even be shortlisted for an interview so why not, right?


Sunday, April 06, 2014

Day #6

So finally got around to mounting the cutting of a Marimekko print (forgot to mirror it when printing so the finished cutting ended up mirrored).

I had such high hopes for this one, but the execution (including the sorta floating mount) didn't turn out as I expected. For one thing, I went with the best possible choice of background paper from what I currently have on hand — which isn't a lot; for another, because I'd chosen my usual textured black, the shadows I'd hoped for can't really be seen. =( Ah well. It was supposed to be a gift for Emily, but I guess it's up to her whether or not she'll want it ...

Now, thisthis is fucking gorgeous.