Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ali Akbar Khan - 'Two Lovers (Mand)'

Album: Garden of Dreams

Most. Aggravating. Day.

(Even if I did purchase two of Marjane Satrapi's books for just SGD 5 each - Chicken with Plums, and Embroideries - as well as Norwegian Wood.)

One of my daily horoscopes did advise to take care when it comes to details, otherwise I'd feel I have an unproductive day. Well, it fucking did come true - and it's not a self-fulfilling prophesy. I thought it referred to work; it bloody wasn't.

And, just now, I realized I'd fucked up - for the second time.

I want to just run away.

Ciara - 'Get Up'

Album: Ciara: The Evolution

Not sure why, but I woke up hearing 30 Seconds To Mars' 'Attack' this morning; especially:
Run away, run away, I'll attack
Run away, run away, go chase yourself
Run away, run away, now I'll attack
I'll attack, I'll attack, I will attack ...

Still unable to get upside down properly on the pole tonight, and various attempts had led to bruised ribs and hips - but am getting closer.

Ought to email Christine chosen topic soon.


Why can't I do it?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Daddy Yankee - 'Impacto'

Album: El Cartel

"Hey!" was what I should've yelled - at least once.

"Watch it, you fucking blind fucker ..." would've been a lovely complementary addition, but I just wasn't raise that way. (Didn't stop me from thinking that, though - plenty times.)

Maybe it's just one of those days, but nobody'd believe how many fucking blind fuckers walked into me in the course of a ten minutes walk.

And to add insult to injury, I got bloody scratched too.

I could murder me a good homicide.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Truth Hurts ft. Rakim - 'Addictive'

Album: Addictive [Single]

Today's flushing session's diagnosis: I'm healing "slower than [Desmond] thought", but the amount of pus has reduced to "only ten percent of the last session".

Well, if I'm not healing any more, then I'm taking up his idea of removing the surface bar and replacing it with dermal anchors. (Yesssss! Dermal anchors!)

But I still gotta lay off the booze and seafood for a bit ... and - not that it'll be any chance of it - dance. =(

Honestly, I think I'd sooner quit meat than dance.

And I'm red meat-dependent.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Shivaree - 'Good Night Moon'

Album: I Oughta Give You A Shot In The Head For Making Me Live In This Dump

Am not sure why I'm always apprehensive about starting the work week.

I'm procrastinating again.

Because I'm scared.

Why am I so scared of everything?

Lizzie West - 'Chariots Rise'

Album: Lizzie West [EP]

I don't understand the lyrics; they seem a little disjunct. Like:
I took the notes of past excursions
And I read them through once more
Only to find them all diversions
From the one true love in store

The chariots rise
Up high in the sky
What a fool am I
To fall so in love
What a wonderful dream
It seems to be
'Cause I love him

So one's a fool to fall "so in love", even if it's with "the one true love in store"?

I'm perplexed: What am I not getting here?

Lizzie West - 'Chariots Rise'

Album: Lizzie West [EP]

Guess it helps to read back on past entries, so you can get a sense of what you want(ed) and where you stand now.

A lot seems to have changed since July.

I seem to have changed since.

Do I like who (or what) I am now? I don't know.

I don't even know who (or what) I am now.

Never mind what (or who) I want.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lizzie West - 'Chariots Rise'

Album: Lizzie West [EP]

... and then I realized why I always prefer to wait it out. Sometimes, it's congenital procrastination; sometimes, it isn't.

Because sometimes the things I feel driven to do, when the compulsion passes over or fades, I'd think: Boy, I'm glad I didn't do it - who knows what consequences (which I might or might be able to handle) I might have to deal with.

So that's why I nearly always wait it out (unless I hurt too much there and then): Because I know it'll pass.

Nothing lasts forever.

Repeal 377A

I've signed it.

Have you?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ciara - 'Get Up'

Album: Ciara: The Evolution

So incredibly frustrated at myself - the fear, the Fear.

Like how you know you can and will do it, but just ... don't dare to, even at the desperate end of your rope.

Everything tells you to Jump! - and you're ready, too - but for Fear.

And I don't know whether I'm hanging on because of that fear, or hanging on to that fear.

All primed to let go ...

But for that Fear.

Cassie - 'Me & U'

Album: Cassie

We're more than flirting with the serious probability of a miscarriage, and I'm prolly the dumbest-ass person in the entire history of bodmods and the quickest to lose a piercing.

Pole never will go with piercings ... But I love them both.

Oh, this can't be a good sign, of all that it has come to signify.


So black and portentous must this humor prove, / Unless good counsel may the cause remove.

(Or a phone call ...)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Caedmon's Call - 'Love Alone'

Album: Long Line of Leavers

Auntie Al, whenever I tell her I'm attracted to any female, would encourage (read: nag) me to "go for it" and "give it a shot", and share her (overly) optimistic outlook that "[all girls] are not-straight until proven otherwise"; but when it comes to males, she'll always but always dismiss my infatuations with a single, laconic line: "You just need to be fucked, lah."


k.d. lang - 'Consequences of Falling'

Album: Invincible Summer

In a cab speeding along the ECP (prolly my favorite local highway), I suddenly thought about how unbelievably solipsistic I am when it comes to emotions - among other things - but especially emotions.

Bit of a stalker mentality.

Plenty of self-delusions.

Which is why I'm (more often than not) relieved when the breaker of ardor finally recedes back into the ocean.

But, for now, I think I'll just enjoy the ride.

'S been a long time.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Mika - 'Happy Ending'

Album: Life In Cartoon Motion

I feel so good after a session on the pole. So good.

At work, it was great to be coordinating stuff I could see come together, no matter how slowly. It's just nice to feel like I'm doing something useful for a change.

And then the boss comes along and takes up my time doing shit tasks ("Please print confidentially"). Was so pissed off at him today I felt like giving notice.

... Although I gotta admit, it'd something to do with my being able to call Mephisto up with a legitimate excuse too ...